Submission Guidelines


Papers, proposals and DC applications must be written in English and formatted using the style files provided in the submission page. Submissions are not anonymous (i.e., reviewing is single-blind) and must be submitted in PDF format.

Submissions violating the format (e.g., by decreasing margins or font sizes) or describing contributions that do not significantly meet the topics of the conference or the respective track will be desk rejected by the program chairs, without any potential opportunity to submit an author response. By submitting, authors acknowledge that they are aware of the possibility of receiving a summary rejection notification.

For the Main Track as well as the Special Tracks, the paper title, author names, contact details, and a brief abstract must be submitted electronically through the conference system by the abstract submission deadline. It will be possible to make minor edits to the title and abstract until the full paper submission deadline. Submissions with “placeholder” abstracts will be removed without consideration.

Full papers must be submitted through the same site by the paper submission deadline. The list of author names provided at submission time is final. Authors may not be added to or removed from papers after submission.

Authors of papers in the Main or Special Tracks may submit a separate PDF or ZIP file with additional information supporting their claims (such as proof details, additional experimental results, further details on experimental design, etc). Such supplementary material should be submitted via the conference management system. The paper must be self contained, as the supplementary material will not be published. Reviewers will have the option, but not the obligation, to consult the supplementary material.

All papers, except those in the Recently Published Research Track, must describe original, previously unpublished research and should not be simultaneously submitted elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to papers already accepted in workshops with a limited audience and without archival proceedings, or to papers available in public repositories (e.g., arXiv).

Types of Submissions

The accepted types of submissions differ from track to track. Please check the respective calls for further details on the expected content of the submission.

Main Track and Special Track: KR in the Wild
Contributions may be regular papers (up to 9 pages) or short papers (up to 4 pages), including abstract, figures, and appendices (if any) but excluding references and acknowledgements.

Special Track: Reasoning, Learning and Decision Making
Contributions may be regular papers (up to 9 pages) or position papers (up to 5 pages), including abstract, figures, and appendices (if any) but excluding references and acknowledgements.

Recently Published Research Track
Contributions must consist of a cover page and a two page extended abstract, which has to be formatted using the style files given below.

Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
Proposals for both Workshops and Tutorials should be up to 4 pages.

Doctoral Consortium Applications
Applications should not be longer than 4 pages, including abstract, figures, appendices (if any) and references.

Videos in the Video Track
Videos must be in English or include English subtitles, should be 3 - 15 minutes long, in AVI or MPEG4, and adhere to copyright laws.

Author Kit and Submission Link

All submissions, expect for videos in the Video Track, must be formatted using the following style files:

Submissions must then be submitted as PDF. The submission site is Please select the respective track for your submission.

The submission site for the Video Track will open on June 1, 2024.