Main Track
Special Track: KR in the Wild
Special Track: Reasoning, Learning, Decision Making (RLDM)
The program committee consists of the PC co-chairs, track chairs, Area Chairs (ACs), and PC members, who overview the reviewing and meta-reviewing process.
Submissions violating the formatting instructions (e.g., by decreasing margins or font sizes) or describing contributions that do not significantly meet the topics of the conference or the respective track will be desk rejected by the program and track chairs, without any potential opportunity to submit an author response. By submitting, the authors acknowledge that they are aware of the possibility of receiving a summary rejection notification.
Papers that are not desk rejected will be reviewed by a group of PC members. The reviewing process will be supervised by the track chairs and when applicable (for the Main Track and the RLDM Special Track) also by an Area Chair (AC).
The program co-chairs, together with the track chairs when applicable, will make the final decisions. There are no appeals.
Accepted papers will be published in the KR 2024 proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to participate in the conference and present the work. This applies to all papers (long, short, and position papers) of the Main Track, the RLDM Special Track, and the KR in the Wild Special Track.
All submissions will be treated confidentially until the publication date.
During the reviewing period, authors will have the opportunity to respond to reviews by pointing out factual errors and answering specific questions. Author responses should be concise, and are not intended to create a dialogue between reviewers and authors. Author responses will be visible to PCs and ACs.
In all tracks, the submissions will be selected based on the excellent scientific quality, potential impact, correctness, novelty, originality, significance of results, clarity, and quality of the presentation.
For the special tracks, additional track-relevant criteria will also be considered.
For KR in the Wild Track, this includes the impact and novelty of the application setting or system presented; quality of empirical evaluation; and availability of resources (data, benchmarks, implementation, etc).
For the Learning, Reasoning and Decision-making Track, both regular and position papers must fall into the intersection of KR and at least one other field. The paper should make clear which KR tools and techniques are being applied to another area, or how techniques from another area are advancing the state-of-the-art in KR research. Papers that consider only KR aspects, or that address questions from other fields but have a minimal KR component will be desk rejected. The assessment of position papers will primarily hinge on their ability to offer a compelling perspective deserving of broader attention within the KR community, and the potential to provoke constructive and respectful discourse on relevant subjects requiring the collective insights of our community. Furthermore, they must adhere to the same rigorous standards as other papers, providing robust evidence for the assertions made and justifying the timeliness and relevance of the presented positions.
Two prizes for the best papers of the main track may be awarded: the Ray Reiter Best Paper Prize and the Marco Cadoli Best Student Paper Prize. Runners-up may be mentioned.
A prize for the best paper of each special track (RLDM and KR in the Wild) may be awarded, and runners-up may be mentioned.
Top papers from KR 2024 may be invited to the award-winning paper tracks of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) and of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).