[PlanetKR] Call for applications: C-FORS Summer School in Foundational Ontology, University of Oslo, 20-23 May 2025

Guendalina Righetti guendalina.righetti at ifikk.uio.no
Mon Jan 6 17:36:09 UTC 2025

C-FORS Summer School in Foundational Ontology
University of Oslo, 20-23 May 2025


This four-day summer school aims to give both a theoretical and a practical overview of foundational ontologies. It focuses on four of them, devoting one full day to each: Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO, Tuesday 20 May), Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (DOLCE, Wednesday 21 May), Basic Formal Ontology (BFO, Thursday 22 May), and Business Objects Reference Ontology (BORO, Friday 23 May). Each day is divided into two sessions. In the morning sessions, invited speakers will give a theoretical introduction to the ontology. The afternoon sessions will consist of practical group work on case studies that will help participants understand how to apply the ontology. At the end of these sessions, invited speakers will discuss the case studies engaging with participants’ group work.

The summer school is supported by the European Union (ERC Advanced Grant, C-FORS: Construction in the Formal Sciences, awarded to Øystein Linnebo, project number 101054836).


Giancarlo Guizzardi (University of Twente) - UFO
Stefano Borgo (University of Trento) - DOLCE
John Beverley (University of Buffalo) - BFO
Chris Partridge (BORO Solutions Ltd.) - BORO


University of Oslo, Blindern Campus, 20-23 May 2025, 9:30am-5pm.


The summer school is free.


Accepted participants are expected to arrange their travel and accommodation, and to cover the expenses associated with attending the summer school. A small number of bursaries might be available to support participants with severe financial needs.


There is a limited number of places for participants. The deadline to apply is 15 February. Anyone interested in participating should email Salvatore Florio (salvatore.florio at ifikk.uio.no<mailto:salvatore.florio at ifikk.uio.no>) and Guendalina Righetti (guendalina.righetti at ifikk.uio.no<mailto:guendalina.righetti at ifikk.uio.no>) and provide:

the applicant’s CV;
a short letter of motivation (max. one page) explaining why the participant would benefit from attending the summer school.

Applicants from underrepresented groups are encouraged to note this in the letter of motivation. The letter may also include information about severe financial needs.

Notifications of acceptance will be given by 1 March.


For any question about the summer school, please contact Salvatore Florio (salvatore.florio at ifikk.uio.no<mailto:salvatore.florio at ifikk.uio.no>) and Guendalina Righetti (guendalina.righetti at ifikk.uio.no<mailto:guendalina.righetti at ifikk.uio.no>).

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