[PlanetKR] HYDRA 2024 - Call for Papers

Francesco Calimeri calimeri at mat.unical.it
Tue Apr 9 16:14:08 UTC 2024

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3rd International Workshop on HYbrid Models for Coupling Deductive and
Inductive ReAsoning: HYDRA2024

Santiago de Compostela (Spain), October 19-24, 2024


CO-LOCATED with the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI 2024)



The HYDRA workshop seeks to bridge the gap between deductive and inductive
reasoning, which are two powerful but distinct methods in artificial
intelligence. While deductive reasoning relies on explicit premises and
logical inference rules to derive specific conclusions, inductive reasoning
infers generalizations from observations, often with the help of Machine
Learning and Deep Learning techniques. Combining these approaches paves the
way for potentially creating more robust and flexible Artificial
Intelligence (AI) systems that can reason effectively in various contexts.
Nevertheless, neither deductive nor inductive reasoning methods can be
considered the ultimate, comprehensive solutions to AI. Therefore, studying
how they can be intertwined advantageously enables the development of new
solutions that can take into account the peculiarities and strengths of the
two methods.

Within HYDRA, we welcome submissions of original research on all aspects of
hybrid deductive-inductive reasoning, including theoretical frameworks,
practical applications, and experimental results. We are interested in
approaches that address key challenges in this area, such as developing
methods for integrating logical and statistical models, designing
algorithms that can reason with incomplete or uncertain knowledge, and
creating tools for explaining and interpreting hybrid models. We also
encourage work that investigates these technologies' ethical and social
implications, including issues related to fairness, accountability, and

The HYDRA workshop aims at bringing together the scientific community, and
welcomes both theoretical and practical papers on frameworks, applications,
and methods for integrating and combining deductive and inductive systems
in different scenarios, to any extent. The workshop also welcomes summaries
of recently published papers, as well as work-in-progress contributions.
HYDRA returns from previous successful editions and welcomes further

Possible topics of interest are, but are NOT limited to:

* Hybrid inductive-deductive approaches to AI,

* Interaction of inductive and deductive techniques for AI solutions,

* Integration of Answer Set Programming (ASP) in inductive scenarios,

* Integration of Constraint Programming (CSP) in inductive scenarios,

* Integration of other logic programming paradigms in inductive scenarios,

* Integration of declarative solutions in inductive scenarios,

* Logic programming language extensions for supporting inductive processes,

* New methods for coupling peculiarities of deductive and inductive

* Inductive reasoning to enhance and improve deductive systems,

* Deductive processes for intensive data flow management,

* Deductive processes in strong inductive-tailored scenarios,

* Knowledge representation and reasoning for improving and enhancing
inductive processing,

* Discussions and positions on novel hybrid methods of deductive and
inductive reasoning,

* Evaluation and comparison of existing deductive and inductive methods,

* Hybridizing logic programming paradigms with procedural approaches,

* Novel contexts of application for hybrid deductive and inductive systems,

* Coupling reasoning with Large Language Models,

* Integrating reasoning in Retrieval-Augmented Generation.


Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in PDF via the EasyChair
system at the link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hydra2024.

The workshop welcomes both full papers, possibly already submitted to other
conferences or journals, and short papers, which are suggested for
presenting work in progress, extended abstracts, software prototypes, or
general overviews of research projects. The workshop also welcomes position
and discussion papers.

All submissions must be in PDF format, written in English, and formatted
according to the LNCS format (
Full papers should not exceed 13 pages (including bibliography); short,
position, and discussion papers should not exceed 6 pages (including
bibliography). To ease the reviewing process, the authors of full papers
may add an appendix (although reviewers are not required to consider it in
their evaluation).


All accepted original contributions (both full and short) are being
considered for publication in the CCIS book series.

If a sufficient number of high-quality papers are accepted, Chairs will
consider the publication of a selection on an international journal special
issue. However, should there be a limited number of accepted papers, the
proceedings will be published on CEUR-WS.org.

Non-original communications will be given visibility on the workshop
website including a link to the original publication, if already published.


Paper submission: 15 May 2024

Notification of acceptance: 1 July 2024

Camera-Ready copy due: 10 September 2024

Workshop starts: 19-24 October 2024 (TBD)

= Committees =

== General Chairs ==

* Francesco Calimeri, University of Calabria, Italy

* Giorgio Terracina, University of Calabria, Italy

== Program Chairs ==

* Pierangela Bruno, University of Calabria, Italy

* Francesco Cauteruccio, University of Salerno, Italy

== Publicity Chair ==

* Weronika T. Adrian, AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)

== Program Committee ==

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