[PlanetKR] KR Early Career Award: Nominations due next Monday (April 15)

Meghyn Bienvenu meghyn.bienvenu at u-bordeaux.fr
Tue Apr 9 05:21:16 UTC 2024

KR Early Career Award: Call for Nominations

Website: https://kr.org/KR2024/cfn_early_career.php

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Incorporated (KR Inc.) has established a KR Early Career Award to recognize early career researchers who have already made significant research contributions to the theory and/or practice of knowledge representation and reasoning and who demonstrate great promise for future impactful contributions. 


This award is for researchers having recently obtained their doctoral degrees. To be eligible for the 2024 Early Career Award, researchers should have completed their PhD degree in 2022 or 2023. Exceptions to this rule may however be granted in case of career interruptions (parental or family leave, long illness, etc.) or other compelling circumstances. 

Differently from previous years and in order not to disadvantage early-career researchers, nominations of researchers having a close connection with a member of the Awards committee will be considered, in which case, appropriate procedures for handling such COIs will be put in place.

Note that it is not a requirement that the early-career researcher has published at the KR conference, but the relevance of their research to KRR in a broad sense (including implementation and applications of KRR techniques) should be evident.


To avoid duplicate nominations, nominators should inform the early-career researcher of their intent to submit a nomination, and there should be a single nomination for each early-career researcher. 

Nominations should consist of: 

A letter of support (1-3 pages) from the nominator(s) that provides evidence as to the significance and impact of the nominee's research contributions and their future potential. Impact should be understood broadly, e.g. impact to academia (significantly advancing existing line of work or opening up a new direction), industry (including software being integrated into products), and/or society. In some cases, the impact may not yet be fully realized, in which case its expected impact can be argued.
CV of the nominee. Suggested items to include: education and employment history, teaching, service to the research community (e.g. reviewing, PC membership, event organization), and any elements of community recognition (e.g. invited talks, prizes).  The CV should contain a full list of publications and other research productions (e.g. developed software, resources), and nominees are encouraged to include in their CV links to their personal website (ideally providing easy access to their publications) and/or to online researcher profiles (e.g. google scholar, dblp, orcid). 
Please also make sure that the CV and/or nomination letter mentions any career interruptions or other personal circumstances that are deemed relevant for fairly assessing the nominee's contributions and potential.


Nominations should be submitted via CMT (select the "KR 2024 Early Career Award" track):  https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/KR2024/

A single PDF file (extension .pdf) should be uploaded consisting of the letter of support and CV. The name of the candidate should be put in the Title field, and the email address, affiliation, and PhD defense date of the candidate should be listed in the Abstract box. 

Note: if you wish to nominate an early-career researcher having a close relationship with a member of this year’s KR Awards Committee, please submit your nomination by email to a committee member not having a conflict with the nominee and/or to the KR Inc. President (Esra Erdem).  


The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2024 (AoE time). 

The award winner will be notified no later than May 31, 2024, and the official announcement will be made at KR 2024. 


This year’s KR Awards committee consists of Gerhard Brewka, Meghyn Bienvenu (chair), and Tommie Meyer. 

The committee composition may be modified if needed to handle any COI situations. 


Inquiries should be sent to kr2024.awards at cse.unsw.edu.au <mailto:kr2024.awards at cse.unsw.edu.au>.
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