[PlanetKR] IJCAI 2024 / Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence (Multi-year Special Track)

Mehul Bhatt Mehul.Bhatt at oru.se
Thu Dec 7 08:12:26 UTC 2023

Multidisciplinary Contours and Challenges of Next-Generation AI Research and Applications

—  A Multi-Year Special Track, starting IJCAI 2024 (Jeju, South Korea)

IJCAI, the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Series, is the premier international gathering of researchers in AI. The 33rd edition of IJCAI in 2024 is to be held during August 3-9 in Jeju (South Korea). Submissions are invited for the IJCAI 2024 Special Track on Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence. The special track, planned with a multi-year format, aims at exploring the multidisciplinary scientific contours and challenges of next-generation artificial intelligence research and its applications in real-world contexts.

The special track welcomes and aims to inspire a multi-faceted perspective on approaching next-generation (human-centric) AI research primarily, but not exclusively, at the confluence of formal, computational, and cognitive aspects on the one hand, and social, cultural, and legal dimensions influencing next-generation AI research on the other hand. The track especially invites original research and technical position statements that:

•  recognise and articulate a nuanced view of computational intelligence in relation to the depth, diversity and multi-faceted nature of `human intelligence’ in naturalistic real-world problem solving, or in everyday human activity contexts; and

•  concretely address the practical `design implications’ emanating from the (human-centric) cognitive, social, ethical and legal dimensions driving AI and ML methods development. By design, implied are questions pertaining to the human-centric engineering, deployment, usability, evaluation, and standardisation of AI/ML techniques.

Integrative research efforts combining computational methods with behavioural or empirical techniques aimed at exploiting synergies in the study of artificial and human intelligence are also particularly welcome.


!! Please note that the special track dates differ from the dates for the IJCAI 2024 technical track !!

•  Abstract submission deadline: February 27
•  Full paper submission deadline: March 5
•  Appendix and resubmission information deadline: March 12
•  Final paper notification:  April 30, 2024

All further details about the scope of the special track, submission format, policy (etc) may be consulted via the track announcement at the IJCAI 2024 website: https://ijcai24.org/call-for-papers-human-centred-artificial-intelligence/

Multi-Year Special Track Format:
Through a multi-year format at present extending to three years (2024-2026), the special track –at the completion of its planned tenure– will systematically document the cumulatively emerging results concerning the multidisciplinary contours and challenges of human-centred AI in an appropriate format. Presently, the track is scheduled for IJCAI 2024 (Jiju, South Korea), and IJCAI 2025 (Montreal, Canada). A third year of the track is under preparation and planned for occurrence at a premier AI forum to be announced in due course.

Special Track Chair:
Mehul Bhatt - Örebro University, Sweden
CoDesign Lab EU
Enquiries:  hai at ijcai-24.org<mailto:hai at ijcai-24.org>

(Please direct all special track related queries only to the contact email above)

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