[PlanetKR] SPIRIT 2024 - Call For Papers [Extended deadline]

Francesco Spegni francesco.spegni at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 10:41:56 UTC 2024

[Apologies for cross-posting]

SPIRIT 2024 - Call For Papers [Extended Deadline]

3rd Workshop on Strategies, Prediction, Interaction, and Reasoning in Italy

Co-located with AIxIA 2024, 23rd International Conference of the
Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
Bolzano (Italy), 26 November - 28 November, 2024


Over the past fifteen years, research in artificial intelligence,
algorithmic game theory, theoretical computer science, multi-agent
systems, and microeconomics have joined forces to tackle problems
involving incentives and computation. Interestingly, while
microeconomics provides computer science with the basic models,
computer science raises crucial questions related to computation and
learning that suggest studying new models. The result is a synergic
integration of all the fields. Interestingly, the final goal is the
provision of rigorous, theoretical methods to deal with multiple
strategic players. SPIRIT aims to bring together the rich variety of
scientists that AIxIA attracts to have a multidisciplinary forum to
discuss and analyze current and novel challenges.


* Algorithmic game theory
* Algorithmic mechanism design
* Algorithmic social choice
* Applications of algorithms for games
* Convergence and multi-agent learning in games
* Formal methods for strategic reasoning
* Green-oriented game models
* Knowledge reasoning
* Multi-agents systems
* No-regret learning and bounds
* Social networks
* Strategy logics
* Synthesis of strategies


* September 1st, 2024 (Extended to September 8th, 2024): Paper
submission deadline
* October 6th, 2024: Acceptance notification
* November 26th, 27th or 28th, 2024: SPIRIT 2024 workshop

  Submissions can be of three categories:
* Research papers: describing new results or ongoing works.
* Blue-skies papers: describing visionary ideas, long-term challenges,
new research opportunities, and controversial debates.
* Extended abstracts of published papers: describing results
previously published in premier international AI conferences (e.g.,
Papers should have between 5 and 12 pages (plus references). Papers
should be formatted according to the CEUR-WS's single-column style.
Submissions must be in PDF and will be handled via easychair, using
the following link:


Submissions from PC members are also allowed. Since the workshop will
have informal proceedings, extended versions of the accepted papers
can also be submitted elsewhere.


SPIRIT proceedings will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings
series. Papers between 5 and 9 pages will be considered short papers
while papers with 10 or more pages will be considered regular papers.


Workshop Chairs

* Munyque Mittelmann: University of Naples - Federico II
* Gianpiero Monaco      : D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara
* Francesco Spegni      : Polytechnic University of the Marche

Program Committee

* Gianluca Amato        : Università di Chieti-Pescara
* Vittorio Bilò         : University of Salento
* Matteo Castiglioni    : Polytechnic University of Milan
* Marco Favorito        : Bank of Italy
* Nicola Gigante        : University of Bozen-Bolzano
* Aniello Murano        : University of Naples - Federico II
* Giuseppe Perelli      : University of Rome - Sapienza
* Nicolas Troquard      : Gran Sasso Science Institute
* Giovanna Varricchio   : University of Calabria
* Cosimo Vinci          : University of Salento



*Università Politecnica delle Marche*

*Via Brecce Bianche 12

*I-60131 Ancona, Italy

Tel: (+39) 071 220 4182
Tel: (+39) 328 8694618
Email: f.spegni at univpm.it

"Ama le nuvole, le macchine, i libri, ma prima di tutto ama l'uomo" - Nazim
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