[PlanetKR] [ECAI-24] Second Call for Papers: ActSynt - Workshop on Highlights of Reasoning about Actions, Planning and Reactive Synthesis

Antonio Di Stasio distasio at diag.uniroma1.it
Thu May 30 09:48:31 UTC 2024

Please circulate within your networks. Apologies for multiple postings.



"Highlights of Reasoning about Actions, Planning and Reactive Synthesis"

Co-located with ECAI 2024 <https://www.ecai2024.eu/programme/workshops>,19
October, 2024, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Website: https://actsynt.github.io/

The fields of Reasoning about Actions and Planning in AI are undergoing
rapid advancements, incorporating concepts and techniques from Reactive
Synthesis and Strategic Reasoning, originally developed in Formal Methods.
In recent years, the focus has evolved beyond standard forms of reasoning,
such as action sequence executability and future effects (projection), to
encompass more sophisticated modes of reasoning. This evolution has led to
the identification of common points with other prominent areas of CS,
facilitating a richer interdisciplinary discourse. A noteworthy convergence
is observed between Reactive Synthesis in Formal Methods. Reactive
Synthesis is based on the idea of constructing trustworthy-by-design
systems that meet their specifications. This approach is of particular
interest in designing autonomous intelligent systems that can react to
changing environments and make decisions accordingly. Furthermore, the
integration of Reasoning about Actions and Planning is expanding its
connections to various forms of synthesis, including generalized planning
and more. However, navigating this evolving landscape is challenging due to
the dispersion of relevant research across numerous conferences and venues.

Drawing upon a successful format followed in other fields (e.g., Highlights
of Logic, Games and Automata <http://highlights-conference.org/> and On the
Effectiveness of Temporal Logics on Finite Traces in AI
<https://ltlf-symposium.github.io/>), the workshop aims to offer a wide
picture of the latest research in the field in order to foster a common
space to discuss current results and future directions and to facilitate
the emergence of teams working across different areas.


Topics of interest span the use of temporal logics over finite traces,
including (but not limited to) the following areas:

   - Agent behavior control
   - AI Planning
   - Augmented forms of Generative AI
   - Automated Reasoning
   - Automated Service Composition
   - Conversational Systems
   - Declarative and Procedural Business Process Management
   - Discrete-Event Control
   - First-person vs third person view
   - Formal Verification and Synthesis
   - Generalized planning
   - Hierarchical abstractions of action models
   - Human computer interaction
   - Knowledge Representation
   - Logic-based representation, action theories, temporal logics, logics
   of programs
   - Motion and Task Planning
   - Multi-Agent Systems
   - Partial observability, incomplete information, uncertainty
   - Plan, intention, and activity recognition
   - Reasoning about Actions
   - Reasoning about beliefs, goals and intentions
   - Formal techniques for responsibility anticipation and ethic issues
   - Reinforcement Learning
   - Robotics
   - Stochastic representation, MDPs and Non Markovion Decision Processes
   - Transparency, predictability and accountability of agents' behaviors
   - Workflow Management

Paper Submissions

Submissions should have a single main author, who will be the speaker, and
each speaker can have no more than one submission. Each submission must not
exceed 2 pages, including references (using the ECAI LaTeX template
<https://www.ecai2024.eu/calls/main-track>), and may refer to joint work
with other collaborators to be credited in the presentation. There will be
no formal proceedings and we encourage submissions of work presented or s
ubmitted elsewhere (no copyright transfer is required, only permission to
post the abstract on the workshop site). Submissions should be uploaded via
Charingtool <https://chairingtool.com/conferences/ACTSYNT24/MainTrack/>.

Important *Dates* (AoE)

   - June 14, 2024 – Paper Submission
   - July 1, 2024 – Notification

Invited Speakers

   - Suguman Bansal <https://suguman.github.io/>, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA

   - Augusto B. Corrêa <https://ai.dmi.unibas.ch/people/correa/>,
   University of Basel, Switzerland
   - Jan Křetínský <https://www7.in.tum.de/~kretinsk/>, Technical
   University of Munich, Germany

Organizing Committee

   - Giuseppe De Giacomo
   <https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/giuseppe.degiacomo/>, University of
   Oxford, UK
   - Antonio Di Stasio <https://antoniodistasio.github.io/>, University of
   Oxford, UK
   - Shufang Zhu <https://shufang-zhu.github.io/>, University of Oxford, UK


For any information contact Antonio Di Stasio (antonio.distasio at cs.ox.ac.uk)
or Shufang Zhu (shufang.zhu at cs.ox.ac.uk).

Looking forward to seeing you at ActSynt 2024 in Santiago de Compostela!
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