[PlanetKR] Final Cfp - Deadline extension and Journal Special Issue - ACS 2024, 11th Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, Palermo (Italy), 17-19 June 2024

Antonio LIETO alieto at unisa.it
Mon Mar 25 14:12:45 UTC 2024


*ACS 2024 - 11th Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems*


Palermo, Italy, ICAR-CNR Institute

17-19 June, 2024

Workshop website:  http://www.cogsys.org/conference/2024/

*(NEWS): Extended **Deadline and Journal Special Issue on Cognitive Systems
Research (Elsevier)*


   - Full research papers:
      - April 19, 2024  Paper submission
      - May 15, 2024: Notification of acceptance

Selected and extended versions of the ACS papers will be published in a
dedicated special issue of the journal Cognitive Systems Research
(Elsevier, Q1 Scimago for the category Software). The selected papers from
ACS will undergo a novel round of reviews for the publication in the


*About ACS 2024*


ACS is an annual conference for research on the initial goals of artificial
intelligence and cognitive science, which aimed to explain the mind in
computational terms and to reproduce the entire range of human cognitive
abilities in computational artifacts. Many researchers remain committed to
this original vision, and Advances in Cognitive Systems provides a place to
present recent results and pose new challenges for the field. The meetings
bring together researchers with interests in human-level intelligence,
complex cognition, integrated intelligent systems, cognitive architectures,
and related topics.

The conference welcomes many types of research, including demonstrations of
new capabilities, empirical studies of implemented systems, and formal
analyses of complex tasks.

*Submission Guidelines*


Papers should have no more than sixteen (16) single-column pages and must
follow the

formatting instructions at http://www.cogsys.org/instructions/.

Authors of papers accepted for oral presentation may be invited to

publish an expanded version in Advances in Cognitive Systems, an

archival electronic journal associated with the conference. Authors

should examine the review form at http://www.cogsys.org/review-form/

before submission, as referees will expect papers to address the

questions therein.

Appendixes are not counted in the 16 pages.

*Remote Participation at ACS 2024*


It will be possible to participate and present accepted papers remotely to
ACS 2024 (provided that one author is regularly registered). The
registration is mandatory (1 registratio for each paper) in order to have
the paper published in the proceedings.

*Topics ACS 2024*


Topics of interest include:

* Conceptual Inference and Reasoning

* Problem Solving, Planning, and Heuristic Search

* Common Sense and Qualitative Modeling

* Memory Storage and Retrieval

* Structural Learning and Knowledge Capture

* Natural Language Understanding and Generation

* Discourse and Dialogue Processing

* Vision, Audition, and High-level Perception

* Mental Imagery and Iconic Processing

* Cognitive Models and Architectures

* Creativity

* Cognitive Robotics and Embodied Cognition

* High-level Execution and Control

* Multi-Tasking and Attention

* Social Cognition and Interaction

* Cognitive Aspects of Emotion and Personality

* Metacognition and Meta-level Reasoning

 Organizing Committee

    Michael Cox, Wright State University

    Matthew Klenk, Toyota Research Institute

    Pat Langley, ISLE / Stanford University

    Jamie Macbeth, Smith College

    Sergei Nirenburg, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Program Chair

    Antonio Lieto, University of Salerno and ICAR-CNR

Local Chairs

    Agnese Augello, ICAR-CNR

    Arianna Pipitone, University of Palermo and ICAR-CNR

*Last Editions*


   - The Tenth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems was held
   in Arlington, Virginia, on November 19-22.
   - The Ninth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems was held
   virtually on November 15-18, 2021.
   - The Eighth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems took
   place in Palo Alto, California, on August 10-12, 2020.
   - The Seventh Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems took
   place in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on August 2-5, 2019.
   - The Sixth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems took
   place in Stanford, California, on August 18-20, 2018.

Antonio Lieto, Ph.D
Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Salerno,
DISPC, Italy
Head of Cognition Interaction and Intelligent Technologies Lab (CIIT Lab) @
Research Associate at ICAR-CNR, Palermo, Italy
Home: https://www.antoniolieto.net
ACM Distinguished Speaker: https://speakers.acm.org/speakers/lieto_12489

Deputy Editor in Chief of JETAI (Journal of Exp. & Theor. Artif. Intell.,

Associate Editor of Cognitive Systems Research (Elsevier)

Author of "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds" (2021), Routledge, Taylor
& Francis.
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