[PlanetKR] 2024 Alain Colmerauer Prize --nominations sought

Thomas Eiter thomas.eiter at tuwien.ac.at
Sun Jul 28 15:17:40 UTC 2024

+++ apologies for cross-postings +++

*** Extended deadline for Nominations ***

The 2024 Alain Colmerauer Prize

Organized by the Association for Logic Programming

The Prize is given for recent accomplishments and practical advances in Prolog-inspired computing, understood in a broad sense, where foundational, technological and practical contributions are eligible with proven evidence or potential for the future development of Logic Programming.

More details can be found at:


Any individual or group of individuals can nominate themselves or their institution(s)/organization(s) for the Prize. Nominations should describe work that meets the purpose of the Prize. Submissions that address the well-being of society or of the planet are especially welcome.


Nominations should explain the contribution and argue for its present and future significance. The submissions must not exceed three pages plus references and may optionally be accompanied by up to two letters of support no longer than 500 words each. Submissions should be made by the candidates themselves, in pdf, through EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acprize2024.

Selection and award

The Prize is given for depth, novelty, and proven or potential impact. The winner is selected by the Jury from the submitted nominations in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Association for Logic Programming. Furthermore, a shortlist of up to five finalists may also be selected in the process. The Jury will provide a detailed citation that explains the basis of the awarding of the Prize.

The winner receives a certificate and cash support of up to 2,000 Euros for attending the conference and award ceremony. If there are multiple winners, this amount is shared. Finalists also receive certificates.

Timeline for the 2024 award

******* Deadline for submissions *******

        August 4, 2024.

******* Notification *******

        Aug 23, 2024.

Award and presentation of the 2024 Prize

The winner of the 2024 Prize will be announced at the 40th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2024, Dallas, Texas, 14-17 October 2024).

The 2024 AC Prize Jury

David S. Warren (chair), Miguel Calejo, Stefania Costantini, Agostino Dovier, Maria Garcia de la Banda, Gopal Gupta, Jan Wielemaker.

This call is available at:

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