[PlanetKR] [ER 2024] 43rd Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling - Call for Tutorials, Workshops, Demo&Posters, Forum

Anna Bernasconi anna.bernasconi at polimi.it
Mon Jul 8 09:46:14 UTC 2024

(apologies for cross-posting)


43rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2024)
“Conceptual Modeling, AI, and Beyond”

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
28-31 October, 2024
Website: https://sei.cmu.edu/go/er2024
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/er-conf




- Call for Tutorials
- Call for co-located Workshops papers submission
- Call for Posters & Demos
- Call for ER Forum


=========== Call for Tutorials ===========

Full details: https://resources.sei.cmu.edu/news-events/events/er2024/tutorials.cfm

ER 2024 tutorials introduce general or special topics in ER and relevant neighboring areas. A focus on specific tools and methodologies can still be useful to offer concrete examples and hands-on activities to participants.

This year, the main topic of the ER conference is Conceptual Modeling and AI, and we encourage the submission of tutorials showing new models, techniques, tools and so on for the conceptual modeling of Artificial Intelligence Applications, mainly those consisting of Machine or Deep Learning applications.

The goal of a tutorial is to provide a road map – for beginners or advanced attendees – about a subject area related to conceptual modeling. Generally, tutorials emphasize breadth and cover material from a variety of different authors. The audience generally varies from novice students to practitioners and specialized researchers. Ideally, a tutorial covers a subject that has an adequately supporting corpus of past work and significant prospects of future expansion research-wise.

== Important Dates

  - Proposal Submission: 23 July, 2024
  - Notification of Acceptance: 1 August, 2024
  - Camera-Ready Descriptions: 30 August, 2024
  - Slides/Content Submission: 7 October, 2024

*All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)*

=========== Call for co-located Workshops at ER 2024 ===========

Full details: https://resources.sei.cmu.edu/news-events/events/er2024/workshops.cfm

Continuing a long tradition, ER 2024 will host multiple workshops on cutting-edge topics to be held in conjunction with the main ER 2024 conference. The workshops will serve as an intensive collaborative forum for exchanging innovative ideas about conceptual modeling, and for discovering new frontiers for its use. The following workshops focus on new, emerging, or established topics in conceptual modeling, or its application in specific domains.

All workshop papers must be submitted to EasyChair. Details for Call for Workshop Papers for each workshop will be available soon.

  - CMLS 2024: 5th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Life Sciences
  - QUAMES 2024: 5th International Workshop on Quality and Measurement of Model-Driven Software Development
  - JUSMOD 2024: 3rd International Workshop on Digital JUStice, Digital Law and Conceptual MODeling
  - EmpER 2024: 7th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Conceptual Modeling
  - LLM4Modeling 2024: 2nd Workshop on Modeling in the Age of Large Language Models
  - SmartFood 2024: 2nd Workshop on Conceptual Modeling, Semantic Technologies and Data Platforms for Smart Food Systems
  - iStar 2024: International i* Workshop
  - AISA 2024: 1st International Workshop on AI Services and Applications
  - AIMM 2024: 1st International Workshop on AI-Driven Modeling and Management of Data

== Important Dates

  - Workshop Abstract Submission (optional): 13 July, 2024
  - Paper Submission: 27 July, 2024
  - Paper Notification: 11 August, 2024
  - Camera Ready Papers and Author Registration: 30 August, 2024

*All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)*

=========== Call for Posters & Demos ===========

Full details: https://resources.sei.cmu.edu/news-events/events/er2024/posters-demos.cfm

The ER Posters & Demos Session 2024 is intended to showcase work in progress in conceptual modeling, covering any of the conference’s topics. This session will provide an opportunity to present and discuss emerging methods and technologies with researchers and practitioners, allowing the presenters to gather relevant feedback regarding their ongoing work.

* Posters should present visionary ideas and/or innovative research projects for which at least some preliminary results are available. We accept works in a relatively early stage, not necessarily including a complete validation.

* Tool Demonstrations (Demos for short) refer to the exhibition of innovative software prototypes or full-fledged systems for developing, communicating, and implementing conceptual models. The tools may originate from research initiatives or industry.

== Important Dates

  - Poster & Demo Paper Submission: 5 August, 2024
  - Author notification: 4 September, 2024
  - Camera-ready papers: 20 September, 2024

*All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)*

=========== Call for ER Forum ===========

Full details: https://resources.sei.cmu.edu/news-events/events/er2024/forum.cfm

The ER Forum track is a vibrant and interactive platform for presenting and discussing novel and diverse research reports and artifacts on the full range of conceptual modeling topics. Papers include new and promising research results, novel applications, and experience reports, proposed research endeavors still in early stages, and updates from earlier work. Innovation prevails over maturity, in particular regarding emerging new research topics. The main goal of the track is to facilitate the interaction, discussion and exchange of ideas among presenters and participants.

The ER Forum & Demo track allows for three types of submissions:

* Forum papers present novel and innovative research in conceptual modeling that is not necessarily mature or fully evaluated but includes interesting early results or carries promise for high future impact. Forum papers may also present novel applications of conceptual modeling in industrial contexts, or vision statements describing new and innovative research endeavors that are still in the conceptualization, design, or exploratory stage. Full Forum papers are limited to 14 pages and short papers to 8 pages.

* Vision papers have a particular focus on the future of conceptual modeling or anticipate new challenges and opportunities. Submission of vision papers may describe novel projects that are in an early stage but hold out the strong promise of eventual high impact. The paper should describe what the success criteria are for the vision project. Vision papers have a limit of 4 pages.

* Follow-up notes report new experiences about previously published papers in the RE conference or elsewhere. The abstract should include the reference to the original paper(s), as well as new material. This may include new findings or insights AFTER the original publication(s), extensions of the original work, preliminary evaluation data, or reports on the reception, use, or application of the original research in the community. Follow- up notes have a limit of 4 pages.

== Important Dates

  - Abstract submission: 9 August, 2024
  - Paper submission: 16 August, 2024
  - Notification: 20 September, 2024
  - Camera-ready: 4 October, 2024

*All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)*

=========== Organization ===========

General Chairs
  - Hasan Yasar, Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Program Chairs
  - Wolfgang Maass, Saarland University and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
  - Nick Multari, Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research, Indiana University, IN, USA
  - Hyoil Han, Illinois State University, IL, USA

Tutorial Chairs
  - Carlos Ordonez, University of Houston, USA
  - Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondéjar, University of Alicante, Spain

Workshop Chairs
  - Motoshi Saeki, Nanzan University, Japan
  - Leah Wong, NIWC Pacific, USA (retired)

Poster & Demo Chairs
  - Sergio de Cesare, University of Westminster, United Kingdom
   - Frederik Gailly, Ghent University, Belgium

Forum Chairs
  - Sotirios Liaskos, York University, Canada
  - Patrick Marcel, University of Orléans, France
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