[PlanetKR] PostDoc Postion (Urgent): Verifiable Graph Data Integration

RACHID ECHAHED rachid.echahed at imag.fr
Tue Sep 12 07:30:20 UTC 2023

PostDoc position 
Verifiable Graph Data Integration 
Location : Lyon/France (LIRIS Lab) 
Duration : 12 months with a possibility of extension to 24 months 
Starting date : Flexible (in 2023) 
Application deadline : 3rd November 2023 

Context/aim : 
Graph database systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their 
high flexibility. Various graph query languages are being proposed 
such as Cypher, PGQL, GSQL, and G-CORE, leading to an effort to 
standardize a graph query language, resulting in two separate 
standards: GQL and SQL/PGQ. 

The aim of this project is to contribute to pin down the foundations 
of verifiable graph data integration operations by using verification 
methods specific to algebraic graph transformations and graph 
rewriting techniques. The targeted study will feature different kinds 
of property data graph transformations which may occur, for instance, 
when triggering update operators, processing graph-to-graph queries or 
performing more complex graph integration processes. For more 
details, please contact the supervisors below. 

We are aiming to hire a postdoctoral researcher, having a PhD in 
Computer Science. The successful candidate should have a theoretical 
background and good programming skills. Basic knowledge of 
First-Order Logic, program verification techniques or graph databases 
would be a plus. S/he will work in close collaboration with 
researchers at LIRIS lab (Lyon, A. Bonifati) and LIG lab (Grenoble, 
R. Echahed), in addition to IRIF (Paris, L. Libkin) in the context of 
a larger grant supported by the French ANR agency. 

Contact at LIRIS (Lyon) : Angela BONIFATI angela.bonifati at liris.cnrs.fr 
Contact at LIG (Grenoble) : Rachid ECHAHED rachid.echahed at imag.fr 

Application : Please send the following documents as soon as possible 
and no later than November 3rd, 2023 to 
angela.bonifati at liris.cnrs.fr and rachid.echahed at imag.fr 

1. CV 
2. Short description of qualifications and research interests 
including full list of publications 
3. List of two people who may be contacted for reference letters. 
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