[PlanetKR] PhD Position in Computational Visuospatial Cognition (Orebro University, Sweden)

Mehul Bhatt Mehul.Bhatt at oru.se
Mon Sep 4 08:57:18 UTC 2023

PhD Position  /  Computational Visuospatial Cognition
Orebro University, Sweden

Project Description:  The broad focus of this position pertains to computational modelling of high-level cognitive vision, with a focus on the formal and cognitive foundations of human-centered AI. The specific research topics relevant to the position are declarative spatial reasoning, and development of methods for the integration of (commonsense) spatial reasoning and learning. Our aim with this new recruitment is to further advance our research competences at the interface of Cognition, AI, Interaction, and Design (www<https://codesign-lab.org/hcc/agenda.html>).

The doctoral candidate will (primarily) focus on developing the mathematical and computational foundations to represent, consistently maintain, and reason/learn about dynamic, relational knowledge about space, motion, and (embodied) multimodal interaction in everyday contexts. The project will build on and advance recent research in spatial reasoning, (computational) cognitive vision and perception, and neurosymbolic reasoning. Particularly, the planned PhD is intended to advance the scientific arc of the following recent publications:

  *   How do drivers mitigate the effects of naturalistic visual complexity? - On attentional strategies and its implications under a change blindness protocol. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (CRPI) (2023).
  *   Commonsense Visual Sensemaking for Autonomous Driving: On Generalised Neurosymbolic Online Abduction Integrating Vision and Semantics. Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ) 2021.
  *   Out of Sight But Not Out of Mind: An Answer Set Programming Based Online Abduction Framework for Visual Sensemaking in Autonomous Driving. IJCAI 2019.

We expect the basic research outcomes of this project to be contextualised and applicable in a wide range of computational cognitive systems contexts such as autonomous vehicles, cognitive robots, digital media systems, building architecture design systems. Interest in one or more of these or other relevant applications will be an added advantage. In addition to the above publications, the technical context of the applicable research area may also be consulted at the following two project sites:

-  Cognitive Vision and Perception  >  https://www.codesign-lab.org/cognitive-vision/
-  Counterfactual Commonsense  >  https://www.oru.se/english/research/research-projects/rp/?rdb=p2558

Application Deadline: October 9 2023
Formal announcement and application procedure:  https://www.oru.se/english/career/available-positions/job/?jid=20230269

Contact:  For more information about the research / project focus relevant to the position,
send an email to Professor Mehul Bhatt, e-mail: mehul.bhatt at oru.se<mailto:mehul.bhatt at oru.se>

*** Apologies for possible cross-postings ***


Professor - School of Science and Technology
Örebro University, SWEDEN
https://mehulbhat.org<mailto:mehul.bhatt@oru.se>  /  mehul.bhatt at oru.se<mailto:mehul.bhatt at oru.se>

CoDesign Lab EU   /   Cognition. AI. Interaction. Design.
https://codesign-lab.org<mailto:mehul.bhatt@oru.se>   /   info at codesign-lab.org<mailto:info at codesign-lab.org>

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