[PlanetKR] 3rd CfP for 6th Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence (AI³ 2022) co-located with AIxIA 2022

Daniele Porello danieleporello at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 17:22:07 UTC 2022

[ Apologies for possible cross-postings ]


*Deadline EXTENSION to 10 October 2022*

Call for Paper for the 6th Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in
Artificial Intelligence (AI ³ 2022)


Co-located with the 21st International Conference of the Italian
Association for Artificial

Intelligence (AIxIA 2022).


We invite submissions of the latest research results concerning applications

and theory of computational argumentation to the 6th Workshop on Advances

In Argumentation In Artificial Intelligence (AI³ 2022) that is a track of

the 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial

Intelligence (AIxIA 2022).

**Aims and Scope**

Argumentation is the study of the processes and activities involving the

production and exchange of arguments, where arguments are attempts to

someone or something by giving reasons for accepting a particular
conclusion as

evident. As such, argumentation provides procedures for making and

decisions and is able to capture diverse kinds of reasoning and dialogue

activities in a formal but still intuitive way, enabling the integration

of different specific techniques and the development of trustable

For these reasons, over the last two decades formal argumentation has become

a main research topic in AI. A variety of theoretical models at different

levels of abstraction have been extensively studied, ranging from purely

abstract models to concrete implemented systems, argumentation solvers have

been developed to identify the justification status for arguments according

to different semantics, and a variety of applications of argumentation have

been proposed for several fields, ranging from modeling dialogues in

social networks to law and medicine.

Given that the study of argumentation is inherently interdisciplinary, the

goal of the workshop, co-located with the International Conference of the

Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2022), is to

discussions and promote scientific collaboration among researchers not only

directly involved in argumentation, but also from research fields indirectly

related to argumentation. In this respect, at least two directions can be

- Cross-fertilization with different fields (including non-monotonic

logic programming, linguistics, natural language processing, philosophy and

just to mention a few of them) is needed to update and extend foundations in

Argumentation Theory, as well as tackling a number of open issues that are

currently debated in the area.

- Interdisciplinary collaborations are necessary to foster the adoption of

argumentation as a viable AI paradigm with a wide range of applications.

In Italy, several research groups from different universities and

have been involved in argumentation in recent years. One of the aims of the

workshop is also to bring together researchers working in argumentation to

foster collaboration and the development of a specific national research

Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Explainable AI with Argumentation

- Persuasion systems

- Formal, semi-formal and informal models for argumentation

- Properties and evaluation of formal models of argumentation

- Computational properties of argumentation

- Traditional and ranking-based semantics

- Instantiations of abstract argumentation frameworks

- Implementation of argumentation systems

- Relationships amongst different argumentation frameworks

- Philosophical theories of argumentation

- Argument mining

- Argumentation in agent and multi-agent systems

- Dialogue based on argumentation

- Strategies in argumentation

- Decision making based on argumentation

- Argumentation-based negotiation

- Argumentation, trust and reputation

- Argumentation for coordination and coalition formation

- Argumentation and other Artificial Intelligence techniques

- Argumentation and game theory

- Argumentation and probability

- Argumentation and fuzzy-logic

- Argumentation and narrative

- Argumentation and computational linguistics

- Argumentation and human-computer interaction

- Reasoning about action and time with argumentation

- Tools for supporting argumentation

- Practical applications of formal models of argumentation

- Systems for learning through argument

- Argument-based machine learning

- Validation and evaluation of applications of argumentation


The workshop invites two types of submissions:

- Full papers (15 pages), possibly already submitted to other conferences
or journals, and

- Short papers (5 pages), which are particularly suitable for presenting
work in progress, software prototypes, extended abstracts of doctoral
theses, or general overviews of research projects.

All papers will be peer-reviewed and final copies of papers for inclusion
to the conference

proceedings will be published on CEUR in the AI*IA Series (Scopus indexed).

Manuscripts should be formatted using the 1-column CEUR-ART Style (you can

the Overleaf template here, For more information see

Papers must be submitted through EasyChair, at the link:

**Important Dates**

- Submission deadline: 10 October 2022

- Notification: 28 October 2022

- Camera ready: 18 November 2022


Workshop organizers:

Roberto Confalonieri <roberto.confalonieri at unipd.it<mailto:
roberto.confalonieri at unibz.it>>

Daniele Porello <daniele.porello at unige.it<mailto:daniele.porello at unige.it>>

Daniele Porello,
Università di Genova.
Via Balbi 4, 16126, Genova.
Email: daniele.porello at unige.it
Home page: www.danieleporello.net
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