[PlanetKR] Call for Papers: KEPS 2022 - Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling - Extended Deadline

Ron Petrick rpetrick at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 08:41:31 UTC 2022

2022 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS)

Deadline: March 28, 2022 (UTC-12) - EXTENDED DEADLINE

Despite the progress in automated planning and scheduling systems, these
systems still need to be fed by carefully engineered domain and problem
descriptions and they need to be fine-tuned for particular domains and
problems. Knowledge engineering for AI planning and scheduling deals with
the acquisition, design, validation and maintenance of domain models, and
the selection and optimization of appropriate machinery to work on them.
These processes impact directly on the success of real-world planning and
scheduling applications. The importance of knowledge engineering techniques
is clearly demonstrated by a performance gap between domain-independent
planners and planners exploiting domain-dependent knowledge.

The workshop will continue the tradition of several International
Competitions on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (ICKEPS)
and prior KEPS workshops. Rather than focusing only on software tools and
domain encoding techniques---which are topics of ICKEPS---the workshop will
cover all aspects of knowledge engineering for AI planning and scheduling.

We seek original papers ranging from experience reports to the description
of new technology in the following areas:

   - formulation of domains and problem descriptions
   - methods and tools for the acquisition of domain knowledge
   - pre- and post-processing techniques for planners and schedulers
   - acquisition and refinement of control knowledge
   - formal languages for describing domains
   - re-use of domain knowledge
   - translators from other application area-specific languages to
   solver-ready domain models (such as PDDL)
   - formats for the specification of heuristics, parameters and control
   knowledge for solvers
   - import of domain knowledge from general ontologies
   - ontologies for describing the capabilities of planners and schedulers
   - automated reformulation of problems
   - automated knowledge extraction processes
   - domain model, problem and plan validation
   - visualization methods for domain models, search spaces and plans
   - mapping domain properties and planning techniques
   - plan representation and reuse
   - knowledge engineering aspects of plan analysis

We are pleased to accept papers based on recent publications from other
(non-ICAPS) venues such as specialized conferences (AAMAS, ICRA, KR, ...),
or general AI conferences (AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, ...). Such submissions must
be clearly indicated in the paper.

Submissions of papers being reviewed at other venues are welcome since this
is a non-archival venue and we will not require a transfer of copyright. If
such papers are currently under blind review, please anonymize the

Submission Instructions

Two types of papers can be submitted. Full technical papers with the length
up to 8 pages + 1 for references, are standard research papers. Short
papers with the length between 2 and 4 pages (+1 for references) describe
either a particular application or focus on open challenges. All papers
must be submitted in a PDF format and must conform to the AAAI style
template. The submission will be done via EasyChair at the following link:



   - Paper submission deadline: March 28, 2022 (UTC-12)
   - Notification: April 30, 2022
   - Camera-ready paper submission: May 15, 2022


   - Lukas Chrpa, Czech Technical University
   - Ron Petrick, Heriot-Watt University
   - Mauro Vallati, University of Huddersfield
   - Tiago Vaquero, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech
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