[PlanetKR] Joint Logic Workshop: Logic in Computer Science and Deduction Systems

Claudia Schon schon at uni-koblenz.de
Wed Mar 2 13:44:13 UTC 2022

Joint Logic Workshop: Logic in Computer Science and Deduction Systems
– 26. Jahrestagung FG LogInf und Workshop der FG DedSys –

Online Workshop hosted by FAU University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Friday, April 8, 2022, whole day event


== Overview ==

The annual Workshop on Logic in Computer Science (Jahrestagung)
is the prime activity of the Interest Group on Logic in Computer Science (FG LogInf)
of the German Society of Informatics (Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI).
Together with the Interest Group on Deduction Systems (FG DedSys) of the GI
the Joint Logic Workshop fosters mutual exchange and aims at exploring synergies
between both groups.

The Joint Logic Workshop is a meeting with an informal and friendly atmosphere,
where everyone (not only the German community) interested in the relevant topics
can report on their work in an accessible setting.

A special focus of the workshop is on young researchers and students,
who are particularly encouraged to present their ongoing research
projects to a wider audience. Another goal of the meeting is to stimulate
networking effects and to foster collaborative research projects.

Because of the ongoing pandemic situation the Joint Logic Workshop is organized
as an online event. Organizational details are published on the event's website.

== Invited speakers ==

We plan to have 1-2 invited talks; details will follow soon.

== Organization ==

We welcome contributions on all theoretical, experimental and applied
aspects of formal logic, reasoning and deduction.
Accepted contributions are presented in a talk of approx. 15-30 minutes
(depending on the overall number of accepted contributions), including

The Joint Logic Workshop will also host the annual general assembly
(Mitgliederversammlung) of FG LogInf.

The Joint Logic Workshop is kindly hosted by the Theoretical Computer Science
and Knowledge Representation groups at University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
and organized by Sergey Goncharov and Florian Rabe.

== Submission ==

Submission is open to everybody interested in logic and/or deduction systems.

Please submit an extended abstract (max. one page) of your contribution to
both Olaf Beyersdorff <olaf.beyersdorff at uni-jena.de> and 
Alexander Steen <alexander.steen at uni-greifswald.de.
Submissions will be weakly reviewed to ensure topical fit.

Submission deadline: March 21, 2022
Notification:        March 25, 2022

== Scientific Committee ==

Olaf Beyersdorff, University of Jena
Thomas Schneider, University of Bremen
Claudia Schon, University of Koblenz
Alexander Steen, University of Greifswald

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