[PlanetKR] Training School / Representation Mediated Multimodality (September 26 - 30, 2022)

Mehul Bhatt mehul.bhatt at oru.se
Wed Apr 27 09:19:40 UTC 2022

Call for Participation  /  EU COST Action `Multi3Generation' Training School



September 26 - 30 2022

https://codesign-lab.org/school2022/ <https://codesign-lab.org/school2022/>
Initiative of EU COST Action   /   Multi3Generation   >   https://multi3generation.eu <https://multi3generation.eu/> 


The training school on ``Representation Mediated Multimodality'' provides a consolidated perspective on the theoretical, methodological, and applied understanding of representation mediated multimodal sensemaking at the interface of language, knowledge representation and reasoning, and visuo-auditory computing. Intended purposes -addressed in the school- encompass diverse operative needs such as explainable multimodal commonsense understanding, multimodal generation/synthesis for communication, multimodal summarisation, multimodal interpretation guided decision-support, adaptation & autonomy, and analytical visualisation.

The training school particularly consolidates and presents a novel and emerging view of state-of-the-art multimodal, neurosymbolic grounding primarily through a confluence of methods in Artficial Intelligence, Computational Linguistics, Vision, Speech and their impact on interactional and communicative acts/artefacts in everyday life and specialist professional work. Here, multimodal interpretation is to be construed in the context of diverse forms of imagery, e.g., encompassing perceptual and communicative data sources such as image, video, language, audition, text, eye-tracking, neurophysiological markers in behavioural / clinical settings. 

In this backdrop, the training school particularly focusses on grounded knowledge representation, reasoning, and learning (for linguistic purposes) through the following emerging research-driven themes that are of high interest:

Space and Language
Computational Linguistics
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive Vision
Vision and Language
Narrative - Discourse
Computational Models of Narrative
Speech and Language Technologies
Human-Centred AI
The principal training school programme --consisting of keynotes, invited talks, and tutorials-- will categorically address questions such as: 

Explainability and transparency in multimodal models
Neurosymbolism / Interaction between symbolic and sub-symbolic representations in models
Commonsense knowledge representation and reasoning, and its role in multimodal models
Complementarity / redundancy among data sources or modalities
Situated reasoning, e.g., for language generation, decision-making
Of particular significance to the training school are themes that benefit both public and private human-centred technological services most directly affecting EU citizens in an accessible, multilingual Europe, and have strong economic and societal impacts. The training school will focus on human-machine interaction considerations in select application areas of emerging societal significance, such as autonomous systems, cognitive robotics, multi-lingual language technologies.

Location: Schloss Etelsen  /  Bremer Straße 2, 27299 Langwedel, Germany

Travelling to Schloss Etelsen   /   https://schloss-etelsen.de <http://schloss-etelsen.de/>
The school is being organised as part of the COST action Multi3Generation (https://multi3generation.eu <https://multi3generation.eu/>)

For more information on the school and programme visit: https://codesign-lab.org/school2022/ <https://codesign-lab.org/school2022/>

Participants are expected to primarily be doctoral candidates and research-driven students. Participants interested in obtaining a scholarship should submit an application to participate as per Application Guidelines (details below). Selected applicants will be financially supported for their participation in the school.

The Scholarship includes travel expenses and a daily allowance which covers accommodation, meals, and local travel expenses. The exact amount of the scholarship is based on the expected costs and the maximal amount for reimbursement will be communicated after acceptance.


Applications are accepted and evaluated in two rounds, with a first deadline on May 15 2022, and a second deadline on June 5 2022; after this date, new applications will only be considered if there are still places available (please note that places are limited even if a scholarship is not sought).

Application to participate (with scholarship):   PRESENTLY OPEN   /   Submit:  Easychair: Training School 2022 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcts2022>
Expression of interest to participate (without scholarship):   PRESENTLY OPEN   /   Email:  contact School Chair
Important Dates: 

First deadline : May 15 2022  (application process remains open for late applications)
First notification: May 23 2022
Second deadline: June 5 2022
Second notification:  June 13 2022

For participation with a scholarship, the Training School is primarily (but not exclusively) aimed at early stage doctoral researchers and research-inclined students enrolled full-time in an advanced educational programme. 

Eligible candidates have to comply with the COST Vademecum (https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2021/04/Vademecum-28-April-2021.pdf <https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2021/04/Vademecum-28-April-2021.pdf>), i.e., they shall be affiliated to, an academic institution, organisation or company which has within its remit a clear association with performing research and is from a COST Full Member, a COST Cooperating Member country, or a Near Neighbour Country (NNC) (https://www.cost.eu/about/members/ <https://www.cost.eu/about/members/>).

Eligible candidates need to submit the following items in a single PDF document via Easychair:

One-page CV
Reference letter by principal research/thesis advisor, motivating the need for financial support
In max 300 words, Research Description (if already pursuing a thesis or similar), or else a Motivating Statement of Interest in the topics of the school. If applicable, also include at most two brief citations to your own most relevant peer-reviewed publications (do not cite unpublished or informal publications).
Candidates who receive a Scholarship to join the Training School are expected to participate and present their research in a doctoral colloquium during the school; further guidelines about the doctoral colloquium will be provided with the letter of acceptance.

Applicants will be selected based on personal research interest and experience relevant to the school’s theme and topics. The selection committee will do their best in terms of ensuring fair and inclusive distribution with respect to gender, geographic location.

Following acceptance, applicants will have to register via the e-COST platform and add their banking and other details in order to receive a formal invitation via e-COST and be eligible for reimbursement of costs. A requirement to be reimbursed is that accepted participants officially apply to become members of Multi3Generation (details will be provided as part of the notification).


Training School 2022 Chairs

Mehul Bhatt (Örebro University, Sweden)
Albert Gatt (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Erkut Erdem (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Helena Moniz (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Doctoral Colloquium Chairs

Adrian Muscat (University of Malta, Malta)
Jakob Suchan (DLR, Germany)
Publicity and Industrial Outreach Chairs

Iacer Calixto (University of Netherlands, Netherlands)
Fabio Kepler (Unbabel)
José Guilherme Camargo de Souza (Unbabel)
[Apologies for cross-postings] 

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