[PlanetKR] DL2022: Last Call for Papers
Júlia Pukancová
pukancova at fmph.uniba.sk
Tue Apr 12 16:05:38 UTC 2022
35th International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2022
August 7–10, 2022, Haifa, Israel
Website: http://dl.kr.org/dl2022
Contact: dl_workshop2022 at easychair.org
* 23 Apr 2022 Paper registration & abstract
* 30 Apr 2022 Paper submission
* 14 May 2022 Fast-track notification (see below)
* 8 Jun 2022 Notification
* 12 Jun 2022 *NEW* Student’s grants application
* 20 Jun 2022 Early registration
* 20 Jun 2022 Camera-ready version due
* 7–10 Aug 2022 DL workshop
Note: We have assured DL paper registration to be after the KR
notification date, however the schedule is now tight and *no* deadline
extension will be possible.
The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic
research community. It is the forum in which those interested in
description logics, both from academia and industry, meet to discuss
ideas, share information and compare experiences. The 35th edition will
be held in Haifa, Israel, between August 7th and 10th 2022. It will be
co-located with a number of events as part of FLoC 2022 (including KR
& NMR 2022). For more information see:
* FLoC 2022, Federated Logic Conference: https://floc2022.org/
* KR 2022, 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning: https://kr2022.cs.tu-dortmund.de/
* NMR 2022, 20th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning:
We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics,
including, but not limited to:
Foundations of description logics:
decidability and complexity of reasoning, expressive power, novel
inference problems, inconsistency management, reasoning techniques,
modularisation, ontology extraction, abductive and inductive
Extensions of description logics:
closed-world and non-monotonic reasoning, epistemic reasoning,
temporal and spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge, query
answering, reasoning over dynamic information
Integration of description logics with other formalisms:
object-oriented representation languages, database query languages,
constraint-based programming, logic programming, rule-based systems
Applications and use areas of description logics:
ontology engineering, ontology languages, databases, ontology-based
data access, semi-structured data, graph-structured data, linked
data, document management, natural language, learning, explanations,
planning, Semantic Web, cloud computing, conceptual modeling, web
services, business processes, practical experiences, case studies,
feasibility studies
Systems and tools of all kinds around description logics:
reasoners, ontology editors, ontology alignment, ontology extraction,
other support for ontology development, database schema design, query
rewriting/answering/optimization, data integration, implementation
and optimization techniques, benchmarking, evaluation, modeling
Rectifying Classifiers (Joint DL/NMR Keynote)
by Pierre Marquis, CRIL-CNRS/Université d'Artois, Lens, France
Charting the Borderland – Decidability in Description Logics and Beyond
by Sebastian Rudolph, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Knowledge Extraction Based on Forgetting and Subontology Generation
by Renate A. Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK
* Aug 7: FLoC Keynote by Ziyad Hanna, Jasper Design Automation,
* Aug 7: Future of Autonomous Driving (Panel)
featuring keynote by Amnon Shashua, Monileye & Intel
* Aug 7: FLoC Reception
* Aug 8: Walking tours
* Aug 9: FLoC Plenary Speaker: Aarti Gupta, Princeton University, NJ, US
* Aug 9: FLoC Olympic Games (https://www.floc2022.org/floc-olympic-games
* Aug 9: FLoC Banquet
DL reviewing is *single-blind*, so the names of the authors will be
visible to the reviewers and should be indicated on the submitted
files. We allow anonymous submissions on request (see below).
Submissions may be of two types:
A – Regular papers of up to 11 pages (excluding references)
B – Extended abstracts of 2–4 pages (excluding references)
Both regular papers and abstracts must be formatted using the *new*
CEURART style, using the following DL-specific template that we
* http://dl.kr.org/dl2022/papers/submissions/CEURART-DL.zip
and submitted via:
* https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dl_workshop2022
Submissions of type A must contain enough substance that they can be
cited in other publications and may not have appeared before. A clearly
marked appendix with additional proofs and evaluation data may be
For submissions of type B, we highly encourage a clearly marked
appendix with additional proofs, evaluation data, or extended version
of your paper, which was accepted at another conference or which you
submitted or plan to submit to another conference. Abstracts of papers
accepted or under review at other venues must clearly state the
venue where the paper has been submitted alongside its status.
The appendix will be read at the discretion of the reviewers and will
not be included in the proceedings. The appendix does not need to be in
the CEURART format.
The proceedings will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online
publication. Due to a change of policy at CEUR-WS.org papers of type B
are no longer indexed by dblp.org and the case of an abstract of a
pre-published paper may require a permission by the copyright holder.
Accepted submissions of both types will be selected for either oral or
poster presentation at the workshop. Submissions will be judged solely
based on their content, and the type of submission will have no bearing
on the decision between oral and poster presentation.
Authors who require a visa to travel to Israel and for this reason
would like to receive notification earlier than 8 June may request
fast-track reviewing. To do so, authors should send an email to
dl_workshop2022 at easychair.org, including the submission number of the
paper and a statement explaining the circumstances that require
fast-track review. Authors and participants who require a visa
invitation to attend the workshop please follow the guidelines provided
at the FLoC website under https://www.floc2022.org/information.
In justified cases, if you wish your submission to be handled
anonymously (i.e., double-blind) please send an e-mail to
dl_workshop2022 at easychair.org explaining the reasons. You will receive
instructions on how to proceed.
A limited number of grants to support students wishing to attend DL 2022
will be available. Students should apply by June 12. Detailed
information will
be available on the DL 2022 website:
FLoC 2022 and all affiliated events including DL are planned to be held
in-person. However, due to travel restrictions imposed by various
authorities if some delegates will not be allowed to enter Israel, they
will be allowed to present virtually.
If the goal to organize FLoC 2022 in-person cannot be met due to
a worsening pandemic situation, it will be switched to a fully virtual
conference. The decision on in-person or virtual format will be made
and published by 1 May 2022.
General Chair:
Jean Christoph Jung, University of Hildesheim
PC Co-Chairs:
Martin Homola, Comenius University in Bratislava
Marie-Laure Mugnier, University of Montpellier
Local Chair:
Ofer Arieli, The Academic College of Tel-Aviv
Publicity Co-Chairs:
Ján Kľuka, Comenius University in Bratislava
Júlia Pukancová, Comenius University in Bratislava
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