[PlanetKR] CfP: UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group (UK PlanSIG) 2021 - Deadline Extended to 1 November

Ron Petrick rpetrick at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 19:37:43 UTC 2021



*Online, 20 December 2021*

The UK PlanSIG workshop is (usually) a yearly forum where academics,
industrialists, and research students can meet and discuss current issues
in an informal setting. We especially aim to bring together researchers
attacking different aspects of planning and scheduling problems, and to
introduce new researchers to the community.

In recent years the SIG has attracted an international gathering, and we
continue to welcome contributions from around the world.

Submissions to the UK PlanSIG 2021 event are now being solicited. Each
contribution will be reviewed and accepted original papers will appear in
PlanSIG’s proceedings. Authors of papers describing work already published
must clearly indicate this information in their submission.

*Important Dates*

   - *Submissions: Monday, 1 November 2021 (Deadline extended)*
   - Notification: Friday, 26 November 2021
   - Camera-ready: Monday, 6 December 2021
   - Workshop: Monday, 20 December 2021

*Topics of Interest*

Applicants are expected to be conducting research in the field of Automated
Planning & Scheduling; topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

   - Algorithms: Novel planning and scheduling algorithms.
   - Applications: Empirical studies of existing planning/scheduling
   systems; domain-specific techniques; heuristic techniques; user interfaces
   for planning and scheduling; evaluation metrics for plans/schedules;
   verification and validation of plans/schedules. Application examples of
   real world problems are particularly welcomed.
   - Architectures: Real-time support for planning/scheduling/control;
   mixed-initiative planning and user interfaces; integration of planning and
   scheduling; continuous planning systems; integration of planning/scheduling
   and Fault Detection Isolation and Recovery (FDIR); planning and scheduling
   in autonomous systems.
   - Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research: Comparative studies
   and innovative applications combining AI and OR techniques applied to
   scheduling and/or planning.
   - Constraint-based Planning/Scheduling and Control Techniques:
   Constraint/preference propagation techniques, variable/value ordering
   heuristics, intelligent backtracking/RMS-based techniques, iterative repair
   heuristics, etc.
   - Coordination Issues in Decentralised/Distributed planning/scheduling:
   Coordination issues in both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, system
   architecture issues, integration of strategic and tactical decision making;
   collaborative planning/scheduling.
   - Environmental and Task Models: Analyses of the dynamics of
   environments, tasks, and domains with regard to different models of
   planning and execution; verification and validation of domain models.
   - Formal Models: Reasoning about knowledge, action, and time;
   representations and ontologies for planning and scheduling; search methods
   and analysis of algorithms; formal characterisation of existing planners
   and schedulers.
   - Intelligent Agency: Resource-bounded reasoning; distributed problem
   solving; integrating reaction and deliberation.
   - Iterative Improvement Techniques for Combinatorial Optimisation:
   Genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search, neural nets, etc.
   applied to scheduling and/or planning.
   - Knowledge engineering for planning: Domain construction tools and
   techniques, knowledge elicitation, ontology development.
   - Learning: Learning in the context of planning and execution; learning
   new plans and operators; learning in the context of scheduling and schedule
   - Memory Based Approaches: Case-based planning/scheduling; plan and
   operator learning and reuse; incremental planning.
   - Planning/scheduling under uncertainty: Coping with uncertain,
   ill-specified or changing domains, environments and problems; application
   of uncertainty reasoning techniques to planning/scheduling, including MDPs,
   POMDPs, Belief Networks, stochastic programming, and stochastic
   - Plan Recognition: Techniques for identifying plans, actions, and
   goals, and particularly the connection between such techniques and
   traditional planning approaches and representations.
   - Reactive Systems: Environmentally driven devices/behaviours; reactive
   control; behaviours in the context of minimal representations; schedule
   - Robotics: Motion and path planning; planning and control; planning and
   perception, integration of planning and perceptual systems.


We welcome two categories of paper submissions:

Long papers: (max 8 pages + 1 page references): These papers should report
work in progress or completed work. Authors of long papers that are
accepted by the Programme Committee will be invited to give a talk on the

Short papers: (2-4 pages + 1 page references): These papers should report
views or ambitions, or describe problems. The author(s) will be able to
discuss the paper informally with others at the workshop and will be
invited to give a short presentation on their work.

Authors of papers describing work already published must clearly indicate
this information in their submission.


All submissions must be formatted in AAAI format using the latest author
kit. Please refer to the author instructions on the AAAI web site for
detailed formatting instructions and LaTeX style files. Final papers will
be in the same format. The AAAI copyright notice does not need to appear on
your papers.

*Proceedings and Publication*

Papers will be made freely available through the website but PlanSig 2021
is non-archival, meaning that you retain copyright and are free to publish
your paper elsewhere. We will investigate the possibility of having CEUR
proceedings, but this will depend on the authors’ preference.

We welcome the use of PlanSIG to improve manuscripts that are later
submitted at a prestigious international venue.


Paper submission is through EasyChair: submit using the following link:


Simon Parkinson, University of Huddersfield, UK
Ron Petrick, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Mauro Vallati, University of Huddersfield, UK
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