[PlanetKR] Call to Host the 17th Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in 2020

Chitta Baral chitta at asu.edu
Wed Aug 9 14:53:59 EST 2017

Dear Colleagues:

The KR Steering Committee is seeking statements of interest from
organizations or consortia interested in hosting the 17th International
Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
(KR2020). We are accepting bids from all locations and while the conference
typically takes places in May or June, we will also give full consideration
to dates outside these two months.

The process comprises two stages. During the first stage, KR Inc solicits
statements of interest through an open call. They should be submitted using
the letter-of-interest form. Once the first phase is complete, KR Inc will
shortlist a number of applications, which will be then invited to submit a
full proposal.

The important dates for applying to host the KR2020 Conference are:

September 30, 2017: Deadline for receiving statements of interest
October 31, 2017: Notifications to shortlisted bids are sent out
December 5, 2017: Formal applications received from the shortlisted bids
February 1, 2018: Selection decision announced

Parties wishing to host KR2020 should contact me (chitta at asu.edu). You will

   - The letter of interest template
   - The application form
   - The budget worksheet <http://www.kr.org/share/hosting/roughBudget.xls>

This information is also available at
http://www.kr.org/index.php?page=futureconfs . For other information on the
KR conferences, please see http://www.kr.org .  In particular, the link
http://www.kr.org/index.php?page=pastconfs has links to the past KR
conferences and their locations.

best regards
Chitta Baral
chitta at asu.edu
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