[PlanetKR] ICDT 2017 Call for Papers and Important Changes to the Submission Cycle

Giorgio Orsi giorgio.orsi at cs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Mar 3 19:21:19 EST 2016

Apologies for cross posting.

The series of ICDT conferences (http://icdt.tu-dortmund.de/) provides an international forum for the communication of research advances on the theoretical foundations of database systems. Originally biennial, the ICDT conference has been held annually and jointly with EDBT (Extending Database Technology) since 2009.

The 20th edition of ICDT will take place in Venice, Italy from March 27th to March 31st, 2017. 

**ICDT has made significant changes to its submission dates,  in co-ordination with its sibling conference PODS**. There are now *two submission cycles*, with the first providing the possibility of revision.

The first submission cycle for ICDT 17 will be in Spring of 2016:

Abstract deadline: March 18, 2016 
Full paper submission deadline: March 25, 2016
Accept/Reject/Revise Notification: May 29, 2016

The second submission cycle will be close to the "traditional submission date" for ICDT:

Abstract deadline: September 11, 2016	
Full paper submission deadline: September 18, 2016	
Notification: November 27, 2016

Any topic related to the principles of data management is relevant to this symposium. Contributions that connect data management to other areas of theoretical computer science, and those which connect database theory and database practice, are particularly welcome.

Examples of relevant topics are:

concurrency and recovery, distributed and parallel databases, cloud computing
connections between databases and knowledge representation
graph databases and (semantic) Web data
data mining, information extraction, search
data streams
data-centric (business) process management, workflows, web services
incompleteness, inconsistency, uncertainty in databases
data and knowledge integration and exchange, data provenance, views and data warehouses, metadata management
domain-specific databases (multi-media, scientific, spatial, temporal, text)
deductive databases
data privacy and security
database aspects of machine learning
model theory, logics, algebras, computational complexity
design, semantics, query languages
data models, data structures, algorithms for data management

Program committee:

Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Chile
Michael Benedikt, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Meghyn Bienvenu, CNRS, France
Gianluigi Greco, University of Calabria, Italy
Andre Hernich, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Egor Kostylev, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Duke University, United States
Yakov Nekrich, University of Waterloo, Canada
Frank Neven, Hasselt University, Belgium
Hung Ngo, LogicBlox Inc., United States
Magdalena Ortiz, TU Wien, Austria
Pawel Parys, University of Warsaw, Poland
Jeff Phillips, University of Utah, United States
Andreas Pieris, TU Wien, Austria
Lucian Popa, IBM Almaden Research Center, United States
Gabriele Puppis, CNRS, France
Pierre Senellart, Telecom ParisTech, France
Lidia Tendera, University of Opole, Poland
Srikanta Tithapura, Iowa State University, United States
Jef Wijsen, University of Mons, Belgium
Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Submission instructions:

Papers must be in English and provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess their merits. The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops.

Papers must be submitted as PDF documents no longer than 15 pages excluding references, using the LIPIcs style (http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics/instructions-for-authors).
Additional details may be included in a clearly marked appendix which, however, will be read at the discretion of the program committee.

The proceedings will appear in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl. 
This guarantees that the proceedings will be available online and free of charge, while the authors retain the rights over their work.

At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register at the conference and to present the paper.

All submissions will be electronic via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdt2017.


An award will be given to the best paper. Also, an award will be given to the best paper written by newcomers to the field of database theory. The latter award will preferentially be given to a paper written only by students; in that case the award will be called "Best Student Paper Award". The program committee reserves the following rights: not to give an award; to split an award among several papers; and to define the notion of a newcomer. Papers authored or co-authored by program committee members are not eligible for any award.

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