[PlanetKR] FOIS 2012: Final Call for Participation: Formal Ontology in Information Systems, Jul 24-27, Graz, Austria
frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Thu Jul 12 01:43:10 EST 2012
(apologies for cross-posting) ... (please distribute)
FINAL CALL for Participation
>>> FOIS 2012 <<< Jul 24-27, Graz, Austria
[1] http://purl.org/icbofois2012
PROGRAM: [2] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/program.htm
Seventh International Conference on
Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2012)
July, 24-27, 2012 in Graz, Austria
held together with the
Third International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012)
Researchers in diverse areas increasingly recognize the need
for serious engagement with ontology, understood as a general
theory of the types of entities and relations making up their
respective domains of enquiry, in providing a solid foundation
for their work. Among these areas there are
* conceptual modeling,
* database design,
* software engineering,
* organizational modeling,
* artificial intelligence,
* computational linguistics,
* the life sciences,
* bioinformatics,
* geographic information science,
* knowledge engineering,
* information retrieval, and
* the semantic web.
The FOIS conference is designed to provide a meeting
point for interdisciplinary research and communication for
researchers from all interested disciplines. The conference
series [3] began with the first meeting in Trento, Italy in
June 1998 followed by meetings in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, and
2010. The seventh FOIS conference will be held in Graz, Austria
July 24-27, 2012, in conjunction with the third International
Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012).
For further general information on FOIS, the flagship conference
of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications
(IAOA) [4], please consult the websites of FOIS 2012 [1] or
the conference series website [3].
Late registration rates apply,
between 350 EUR (student IAOA member) and
720 EUR (full, no IAOA membership).
There are special rates for combining FOIS and ICBO. Additional rates
apply per tutorial and per workshop. For details, please see [5-7].
Note that the periods for early or complimentary registration
and for applications for travel funding are over.
[5] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/registration.htm
The program starts with workshops and official reception on July 24.
Joint scientific sessions of ICBO and FOIS start on July 25, 08:30 a.m.
Note further the IAOA General Assembly in the evening of July 25.
July 25
"Observing Formal Ontology from the Street"
Steven R. Ray (Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, California, USA)
July 26
"Improving the Coherence of Lexical Resources and Ontologies"
Laure Vieu (CNRS-IRIT, Toulouse, France)
July 27
"A Computational, Meta-Ontological Framework"
Edward N. Zalta (Stanford University, California, USA)
Program overview and details are available at [2], while they may
still be subject to change.
[2] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/program.htm
Conference chair:
Michael Gruninger (University of Toronto, Canada)
Program chairs:
Maureen Donnelly (University at Buffalo, USA)
Giancarlo Guizzardi (Fed. Univ. of EspĂrito Santo, Brazil)
Local organization:
Stefan Schulz (Graz University, Austria)
For the FOIS program committee, please see the
FOIS 2012 website [1].
[1] http://purl.org/icbofois2012
== http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012
FOIS and ICBO 2012 website
[2] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/program.htm
Program overview and detailed schedules
[3] http://www.formalontology.org/
FOIS conference series
[4] http://www.iaoa.org
International Association for Ontology and Its Applications
[5] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/registration.htm
FOIS/ICBO page with registration information
[6] http://de.amiando.com/icbofois2012registration.html
FOIS/ICBO online registration
[7] http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012/graph/rates.png
FOIS/ICBO registration rates overview
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