[PlanetKR] CFP: RuleML-2012 at ECAI (6th International Symposium on Rules)

Antonis Bikakis a.bikakis at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jan 18 02:31:16 EST 2012

                                                 CALL FOR PAPERS ****


                       The 6th International Symposium on Rules: Research
Based and Industry Focused ****

                                          Montpellier, France, August 27-30,
2012. ****

                                                http://2012.ruleml.org ****


                                                        including ****

** **

                                                      Call for Papers ****

                        7th AIS SigPrag International Conference Track on
Pragmatic Web ****

                                                      (ICPW 2011) ****

                                            http://www.pragmaticweb.info/ **


** **

The International Symposium on Rules, RuleML, has evolved from an annual
series of international workshops since 2002,  ****

international conferences in 2005 and 2006, and international symposia
since 2007. This year the RuleML Symposium will  ****

be held in conjunction with ECAI 2012, the 20th biennial European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in Montpellier,  ****

France, August 27-30, 2012.  ****

RuleML 2012 will be the host of the 7th AIS SigPrag International
Conference on Pragmatic Web (ICPW 2012). ****


Objectives ****

** **

RuleML-2012 at ECAI is a research-based, industry-focused symposium: its main
goal is to build a bridge between academia  ****

and industry in the field of rules and semantic technology, and so to
stimulate the cooperation and interoperability  ****

between business and research, by bringing together rule system providers,
participants in rule standardization efforts,  ****

open source communities, practitioners, and researchers. The concept of the
symposium has also advanced continuously in  ****

the face of extremely rapid progress in practical rule and event processing
technologies. As a result, RuleML-2012 will  ****

feature hands-on demonstrations and challenges alongside a wide range of
thematic tracks. It will thus be an exciting  ****

venue to exchange new ideas and experiences on all issues related to the
engineering, management, integration,  ****

interoperation, and interchange of rules in distributed enterprise
intranets and open distributed environments. ****


We invite you to share your ideas, results, and experiences: as an industry
practitioner, rule system provider,  ****

technical expert and developer, rule user or researcher, exploring
foundations, developing systems and applications,  ****

or using rule-based systems. ****


Topics ****

We invite high-quality submissions related to (but not limited to) one or
more of the following topics: ****

** **

    * Rules and Automated Reasoning ****

    * Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning ****

    * Int. Conference track on Pragmatic Web (see track description below) *

    * Rule-Based Policies, Reputation and Trust ****

    * Rule-based Event Processing and Reaction Rules ****

    * Fuzzy Rules and Uncertainty ****

    * Rule Transformation, Extraction and Learning ****

    * Vocabularies, Ontologies, and Business rules ****

    * Rules in online-market research and online marketing ****

    * Rule Markup Languages and Rule Interchange ****

    * General Rule Topics ****


The RuleML2012 Conference is also hosting  ****

- The Doctoral Consortium and poster session:

- The 6th International Rule Challenge: http://2012.ruleml.org/rulechallenge



Int. Conference on Pragmatic Web (ICPW 2012) ****

The conference track on PRAGMATIC WEB is part of RuleML-2012 and centred
around the study of "pragmatics" ****

in the Semantic Web. That is, it draws attention to how communicative
actions are performed by agents via ****

Web media and illuminates how mutual understanding and commitments to
actions can evolve in (agent) conversations. ****

This year the Pragmatic Web conference track has a special focus on the
applications of rule-based technologies ****

and AI agent technologies for the Pragmatic Web. Topics of Interest include
one or more of the following ****

topics (but are not limited to):****


 * Rule-Based Distributed/Multi-Agent Systems ****

 * Rules, Agents and Norms ****

 * Rule-Based Communication, Dialogue and Argumentation Models ****

 * Vocabularies / ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts,
deontic primitives) ****

 * Pragmatic Web reasoning and distributed rule inference / rule execution *

** **

For further information about the Pragmatic Web see
http://www.pragmaticweb.info/ ****


Important Dates

Abstract submission: March 25, 2012 ****

Paper submission: April 1, 2012 ****

Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 20, 2012 ****

Camera-ready copy due: June 10, 2012 ****

RuleML-2012 dates: August 28-29, 2012****



Submission guidelines ****

Papers must be in English and must be submitted at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ruleml2012 as: ****

    * Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings) ****

    * Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings) ****

** **

Please upload all submissions as PDF files based on the LNCS format (
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ). ****

The selected papers will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
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