[PlanetKR] 3 Doctoral (PostDoctoral) Positions in KRR/ASP

Torsten Schaub torsten at cs.uni-potsdam.de
Wed Feb 29 11:52:08 EST 2012

[Sorry for multiple copies]

3 Doctoral (PostDoctoral) Positions in KRR/ASP

The Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) groups at the University of
Leipzig and Potsdam headed by Gerhard Brewka and Torsten Schaub, respectively,
are looking for Doctoral (or PostDoctoral) Researchers in the area of KRR, in
particular, Answer Set Programming (ASP) and Multi-Context Systems (MCS).
All three positions are part of the DFG research unit on "Hybrid Reasoning in
Intelligent Systems": http://www.hybrid-reasoning.org

The groups in Leipzig and Potsdam are jointly investigating two research

- From Correlation to Causality: Reasoning Over Dynamic Protein
  Interaction Networks
  (This project is done in collaboration with Michael Schroeder/TU Dresden.)
- Advanced Solving Technology for Dynamic and Reactive Applications

The positions are based at the following locations:

- Leipzig: 1 position
  Topics:  Hybrid and Reactive MCS, Reactive Argumentation and
           Decision Making, Multi-Criteria Optimization
- Potsdam: 2 positions
  Topics:  Hybrid, Incremental, and Reactive ASP,
           Multi-Criteria Optimization 

Successful candidates hold either a MSc (or PhD) in Computer Science or a related
discipline and have an interest in logic-based KRR, in particular, ASP, MCS, or
related areas.

The appointment is initially for 3 years and afterwards subject to project
extension. The salaries follow the German E13 scheme and depend on the
applicant's work experience. Initial screening of applications begins
immediately and the position remains open until filled.

Applications: Please contact Gerhard Brewka and/or Torsten Schaub, preferably via email to
              Gerhard Brewka <brewka at informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
	      Torsten Schaub <torsten at cs.uni-potsdam.de>

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