[PlanetKR] Last CFP: IJCAI Workshop on Benchmarks and Applications of Spatial Reasoning

Stefan Woelfl woelfl at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Apr 12 08:25:57 EST 2011

                         LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

  IJCAI Workshop on Benchmarks and Applications of Spatial Reasoning

 Barcelona, 17 July 2011 (part of the IJCAI-2011 workshop programme)
      URL:  http://qsr.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/ijcai11-bench/

Do you work on a problem that has a significant spatial component? A
problem where you need to represent spatial information and reason
about this information? If so, then please continue reading, we would
like to hear from you!

Things are happening in spatial reasoning. Recent years have witnessed
remarkable advances in some of the long standing problems of the
field. While most previous research only addressed isolated research
questions, the research community is putting more and more emphasis on
being able to combine different approaches in order to solve larger
scale real world problems. Similar to other research communities such
as planning or satisfiability, the spatial reasoning community has
started to develop a repository of benchmark problems as well as a
common representation language which allows to formally define and
represent these benchmark problems. This will allow researchers to
focus their research efforts on solving important problems, on
identifying and addressing gaps in existing capabilities, and on
integrating the necessary approaches, tools and methodologies. It
guides the research of the community into jointly achieving far
greater impact and also increases the visibility of the community by
emphasising realistic problems that other people can relate to. In
other research communities, this approach has significantly
strengthened the community and led to a boost in both quantity and
quality of results. We hope that it will have a similar effect on our
research community. This workshop is the third in a series of events
that started with a AAAI Spring Symposium in 2009 and a Dagstuhl
Seminar in 2010. It will be the first that is targeted towards the
wider AI and spatial reasoning community.

** Topics of Interest ** 

The aim of the workshop is to work towards our goal of having (1) a
repository of applications and benchmark problems, (2) a common
problem language, as well as (3) general methods and tools for solving
these problems.

We invite (short/full) papers, demo description papers and position
papers on all aspects of spatial reasoning. Of particular interest are
submissions in one of the following areas:

(1a) Applications: Submissions presenting specific problems or
applications that have a significant spatial component and that
require some form of spatial reasoning. What kind of spatial
information is used, how is it represented, what kind of reasoning is
required, how is it currently done? What are the strengths and
weaknesses of current approaches, how could it be improved?

(1b) Benchmarks: Submissions that propose new benchmarks, analyze
benchmarks, or present methods for the generation, organization, or
improvement of benchmarks. Submissions that present an overview of the
use of benchmarks in other disciplines are also encouraged if they
include a discussion of how the lessons learnt in other disciplines
can benefit benchmarking in spatial reasoning.

(2) Problem Languages: Submissions with new results on languages for
representing spatial information, such as proposals of new languages,
analysis, comparison, improvement of languages, or combination of
languages. Submissions that present an overview of the use of common
problem languages in other disciplines are also encouraged if they
include a discussion of how the lessons learnt in other disciplines
can benefit the development of common representation languages for
spatial reasoning.

(3) Methods and Tools: Submissions with new results on methods and
tools for spatial reasoning, such as proposal of new methods,
analysis, comparison, improvement of methods, or combination of

** Keynote Talk ** 

Malte Helmert (University of Freiburg, DE), one of two recipients of
the IJCAI-11 Computers and Thought Award, will present a keynote talk
on benchmarking in AI Planning.

** Paper Submission ** 

Authors are invited to submit a paper in PDF format by April 18, 2011,
through the Easy-Chair website of the workshop
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=basr11). Papers must be
written in English and describe original work in at least one of the
workshop topics. The target length of a full paper contribution is 4-6
pages (including abstract, figures and references) in the IJCAI-11
style (http://ijcai-11.iiia.csic.es/files/ijcai11.tar). The final
camera ready version of your paper should not include any headers,
footers, and page numbers.

** Important Dates **

Paper submission: April 18, 2011
Notification: May 9, 2011
Camera ready: May 23, 2011
Workshop: July 17, 2011

** Workshop Organizers ** 

Anthony G. Cohn
Jochen Renz
Stefan Woelfl

** Program Committee **

Alia Abdelmoty
Marco Aiello
Mehul Bhatt
Jean-Francois Condotta
Matt Duckham
Antony Galton
Jason Jingshi Li
Reinhard Moratz
Bernhard Nebel
Marco Ragni
Christoph Schlieder
Steven Schockaert
Nico van de Weghe
Jan-Oliver Wallgruen 

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